Code Club

I’m involved in a Government led scheme to teach coding to 7-11 year olds in schools. Backed by a considerable volunteer network, as a STEM Ambassador for Technology & Science, I am due to teach at a new school in Sept 2016.

I was very lucky when I was at school that I was given support & guidance from the IT Dept. to fuel my passion for IT. We were taught BASIC & Assembly, had opportunities for after school IT clubs & had decent technology such as Archimedes A3000’s, and of course the BBC Micro’s. (over twenty of them!).

Nowadays the curriculum doesn’t support that, children are taught the basics of Microsoft Office, how to navigate Windows & best practice for a Power Point slide. I’m watching children’s understanding of computer science become eroded as they are completely unaware of what happens ‘behind-the-screen’ so I’m extremely passionate about Code Club.

I’ll be posting a Q&A video in the upcoming weeks to answer questions you may have as a school about how to get involved, and what to expect from your volunteer. In the meantime, please Tweet me for further information.